Filters and User Filters

Filters allow you to narrow down data in a report.
User filters allow you to dynamically filter data in reports.

To get started, open the report you would like to add or adjust new filters for by clicking edit design: There are 2 ways to use filters in reports. 

1. Filters

Filters allow you to adjust the data you are viewing in the reports. For example, in your forecast report, you may not want to see opportunities that are marked as closed won or closed lost related sales stages. 

To add a filter you can drag and drop the field(s) from the list that appears on the left-hand side of the screen. Select the values you would like to include or exclude.  

2. User Filters

User filters allow you to dynamically filter data in reports. For example, in your forecast report, you may want the ability to adjust and analyze data on the fly such as sales stages or estimated close dates for opportunities forecasted to close. 

To format your user filters or rename them, hover over each filter and click the pencil to edit. 

When editing, you can adjust the component type (date range selector, relative period etc), choose the values you want to see appear in the user filter and then specify the default value. The default value is the value you will always see by default when you open the report.