Spiro VoIP Reporting: Call Statuses in Reports

Statuses for Spiro VoIP Call Reporting

For each call made using Spiro VoIP, we record a status based on the outcome of the call connection. These statuses' are recorded in the Call Statistics table in Spiro Reports and are not the same as the activities the user is prompted to log when the call is complete (Outbound Call, Inbound Call, Left Voicemail, etc). For example, a call with the status Completed Call in the Call Statistics table could be tracked in the Activities table as an Interaction Type of left_voicemail, outbound_call, etc. 

Status Types: 

Completed Call: A connection was established and audio data was transferred. This could be seen when a phone is answered by a person, an automated menu, or even a voicemail. 

Busy: The number was dialed but a busy response was received

Failed: Call could not be connected. The number may not be input correctly (all numbers should be formatted with country code)

No Answer: The number was dialed but no one answered within 60-second timeout window