Spiro Sales Stage Overview

Spiro has default sales stages to help you better understand at what point in the sales process you are at with your opportunities. We purposefully like to keep it simple to try to help you organize your pipeline more efficiently.

Spiro's Standard Sales Stages:

  • Prospecting
  • Qualifying
  • Proposing
  • Closing
  • Closed Won
  • Closed Lost

While these sales stages can mean to you whatever you want them to mean, here are some general definitions that we use at Spiro to help you categorize the status of your opportunities: 

  • Prospecting: You have not reached out to anyone at this opportunity yet. You may still be gathering information and doing research - but you are still identifying if there is a need for your tool or service. All Spiro opportunities default to the prospecting stage.
  • Qualifying: You have spoken to someone at the opportunity and are in the process of vetting a need or fit for your product/service. Often we switch something to "Qualifying" if we successfully land a meeting or a demo with a decision-maker. 
  • Proposing: You have submitted a quote or a proposal to someone at the opportunity. Whether the quote or proposal is verbal or something in writing, if the  price  is being discussed  then  we consider you in the proposing stage. 
  • Closing: You have received a verbal commitment or have a strong feeling that this opportunity will be closed within the next month. 
  • Closed Won: You have a signed contract & money is received. Congratulations! 
  • Closed Lost: You'll get 'em next time. 

Sales stages can be customized if you have your own specific sales process. Admins can change, delete, or add sales stages in Settings > Customizations > Sales Stages.

Check out some more of the admin capabilities related to sales stages here.