Contact and Company Social Profiles
Spiro provides you with enriched contact and company information and even populates social profiles for you. To view information for contacts and companies, use the More Information entity on the main record.
Contact Information
We populate links to LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook for contacts if we can find matching profiles and you may see their picture show up next to their name. We also pull in data to help complete your contact’s profile like company phone and website.
If you want to add a picture for a contact or change the one Spiro populated, you can do so by following these steps:
Company Information
You will also see social and demographic information populate on your company details page in Spiro. Spiro populates links to company social profiles as well as address, phone number, industry, and more.
If you enter a new company in Spiro and include the company website, we will populate the company address for you if we can find that information.
Please Note: We will not override any data you have already entered!
When new contacts are created, Spiro automatically pulls data from different social sources and appends that data to the Spiro record. Spiro will also populate the title field for the contact. For example, if you create a contact for George Colony and just enter his email address: it will populate the Title Field with Chief Executive Officer