Email and Activity Visibility


Spiro users, particularly executives, may share sensitive information with partners and vendors that they do not want all employees to be able to see. To prevent this, executives will often not connect their emails, losing the ability to send emails from Spiro or see a concise timeline of activities on their customer's timelines.

The Email Visibility rules will allow all users to connect their email to Spiro so they can benefit from the email sync capabilities while giving them total control over who can see their emails. This setting blocks or allows the subject and description of the email and applies to email, calendar events and other logged activities in Spiro.


Admins are able to choose the appropriate visibility for each user in their org from the User Administration panel. 

The options are:

  • User Only [Only the user can see the emails]
  • User Only and their Manager [Only the user and their Manager can see the emails] (Default)
  • User Group and their Manager [Only the users in the same Group will be able to see the emails, along with the user's manager]
  • Everyone has full access [Everyone at the company will be able to see the emails]

These visibility rules utilize the Group field on the user administration level but the Group does not determine who can see emails and activity. The Visibility flag is responsible for determining email/activity visibility, and the Group only comes into play when the option User Group and their Manager is selected.

Note: This Group field is also used for the Assistant Rules, so you need to be sure that changing a user's group for the Assistant Rules will not impact the email visibility they have. In the future, it will be possible to create new Groups to make Spiro even more configurable.

Here's what it will look like if someone without access tries to access an email:

For this example, Gus has set his profile for only him to see the details. Here is how it will look when another user sees the activities.

Example Scenarios

As the CEO, I want to be able to log into Spiro and see all of the activities my employees have with my customers. While I'd like to use it myself for activity tracking, a lot of sensitive information is sent to partners and vendors. The employees who use Spiro shouldn't have access to my emails.

  • The CEO should have their email visibility set to User Only
  • Each user on the team should be set to any option except User Only
    • A very transparent company might have the visibility for other users set to Everyone has full access
    • A more restrictive option would be to have the employees set as User Only and their Manager and make the Manager be the CEO 

As a manager, I would like to be able to log into Spiro and see everything my team is doing with our customers. My emails should only be seen by those on my team and/or the executive team.

  • The manager should have their email visibility set to User Group Group and their Manager
  • Each user on the team should be set to any option except Only the User
    • A very transparent company might have the visibility for other users set to Everyone has full access
    • A more restrictive option would be to have the employees set as User Only and their Manager