Spiro Release [November 7, 2022]

Improving performance and your user experience was the focus of this release. The Spiro team has addressed several bugs and minor issues that have been frustrating to users, and we'd like to give a special thank you to those who have provided feedback. To report bugs, please email them to support@spiro.ai. For new feature requests or things you'd like to see in Spiro, please use our Product Suggestion form. 

Additionally, we released new AI content generation features that we hope make your job a bit easier:

AI-Generated Call Summaries

Spiro's AI Engine now creates a summary of transcribed calls so you can quickly understand the conversation without reading the transcription.

AI-Generated Recap Emails from Calls

Many people like to send recap emails following conversations with customers. You can now easily document the conversation and make your customer feel listened to. Spiro's AI Engine creates a suggested email based on the transcription for you to review and quickly send. Give it a try!

Emails are Easier to Read

Reading and responding to emails is now easier in Spiro thanks to a new look, making them more readable and with better formatting.

Emails are Easier to Send

The email editor in Spiro has also been upgraded, thanks to customer feedback. Spiro user Leroy Kelley requested a spell check, and user Dan Lorine asked for a right-click paste; both are now available in Spiro along with dozens of other improvements.

iPhone & Android Updates

In the past, it has been frustrating to users on mobile devices to be unable to copy text from within Spiro or click and open links. Mobile users can now take advantage of these features to get more out of Spiro.

A Few Other Things:

Spiro Admins can now change the order of tabs on the assistant page to highlight what is most important to users.

Some people love getting pop-up alerts about text messages, and some don't. You now have the option to enable or disable this in Settings > My Profile.

If you are using Office 365 with Spiro, you can now send an email campaign to up to 2,000 people. Unfortunately for those using Gmail, Google remains very restrictive on how many emails can be sent daily.

In the Opportunity Pipeline View, users are now able to see all stages, including those that have no opportunities. Previously only stages that had opportunities were visible.

Muchas gracias to Juan Carlos Bermudez, who pointed out that in Spanish-speaking countries, the way we were displaying numbers wasn't correct. This has been fixed.

Muchas gracias a Juan Carlos Bermúdez, quien señaló que en los países de habla hispana, la forma en que mostrábamos los números no era la correcta. Esto ha sido arreglado.

Thank you

You are the reason why we build all of the things at Spiro. As mentioned above, please send us any feedback to support@spiro.ai, and if you like the new release, feel free to let us know!