Spiro Release [March 2024]

Check out what's new in our release webinar or read the full release notes below.

Introducing the Spiro Notetaker

The Spiro Notetaker is now available to all customers, allowing users to have Spiro record, transcribe, summarize, and log all videos with Teams and Zoom. 

The Notetaker will reduce data entry and streamline the Spiro user experience. Having call logs and transcriptions in Spiro allows users to use AI to draft follow-up emails summarizing key points after a call as well as incorporate recent meetings into executive summaries. Reach out to your CSM if you’re interested in adding this feature.

Updates to Collaboration Notes

Rollup of All Notes to Parent Entity
Collaboration Notes now roll up to the parent entity so all related information can be viewed in one location. This means at the company level, users will be able to see notes made on Orders or Invoices. Users will still have the option to only view notes on the company level. Notes added to activities such as a call record do not currently roll up but will be added at a future date. 

Receive Notifications on Notes
Users can now opt-in to be notified when a new note appears on a specific record. To enable notifications, click the toggle in the upper right corner of the collaboration notes section of the record.

Collaboration Notes Included in Record Overview
Users can now view and add collaboration notes from the list view by opening the side drawer of a record; you no longer need to navigate to the record details page.

Add Collaboration Notes When Creating a Ticket
Users can now choose to include notes while creating a ticket. This will streamline internal communication when opening a customer ticket.

New Look for the Executive Summary

The appearance and style of executive summaries have been updated to make them stand out more and easier to read and digest. Additionally, order and opportunity updates are now included in the summaries, in addition to activity.

Executive summaries are now available on the iOS and Android CRM app. As a reminder, you need to follow records before an executive summary becomes available. You can mass follow in Settings.

Admin Updates

Assistant Rules Can Now Change Field Values

When an Assistant Rule is triggered, Admins can now set up Actions where fields on related entities are changed automatically within Spiro. For example, if you have a status field on the company level you can have it automatically updated to “Customer” when an opportunity is set to “Closed Won.”

If you’re an admin and need help with Assistant Rules, please contact support@spiro.ai.

New Add-On for Data Enhancement
Spiro now offers users an add-on feature to further reduce data entry by automatically importing company information from the web. When creating a new company record, users can now enter only a company name and Spiro will look up and add the website, address, and phone number, if available. This will work for both manually created records and imported ones. Reach out to your CSM if you are interested in this feature.

Mass Delete on Lists
Admins can now perform mass deletes when looking at lists. From the MORE button, you can select Mass Delete Records but note that this only shows when a filter is applied.

Improved Importing Process
Now users can easily clear all field mappings between imports, making it easier to import multiple sets of records with different requirements. Click the “Clear Selections” button at the bottom left of the import screen to start fresh.