Spiro Release [April 2024]

Check out what's new in our release webinar or read the full release notes below.

Hide or Reorder Tabs on Records

You can now hide and reorder the tabs on Companies, Contacts, Opportunities, and more. On any Details page, click the gear icon in the upper left corner of the tab options to make changes. Spiro will remember this view for you, it will not affect other users in your organization.

Follow Companies to Receive Updates

Users can now opt to follow all companies that meet specific criteria. To do so, navigate to Settings > Following, and turn on the toggle labeled “Auto-Follow Companies.” This will prompt you to select a company filter to determine which companies to follow. Use this feature to easily follow your “Customers” or “Tier A Accounts” and get weekly email updates on any activity.

Updates to the Assistant

Assistant Cards Sorted by Value: On the Assistant page, you will now see alerts organized from highest dollar value to lowest.

Collaboration Notes Can Now Be Accessed and Created on Assistant Cards: You can now see and create new collaboration notes from Assistant Cards.

Identify Companies or Opps With No Reminders: Admins can now create assistant rules to identify companies or opportunities with no reminders attached to any related resources, such as contacts.

Activity Tracking for Sent Quotes: For users of the Quoting module, admins can now set Assistant Rules to monitor interactions with contacts after a quote has been marked as 'sent.' This allows for targeted follow-ups and insights based on recent activity post-quote.

Trigger Alerts Based on Lack of Activity By Specific User: Admins can now set rules based on an individual user’s activity, versus overall activity with a contact, company, etc., to ensure each rep is reaching out to all the accounts they are responsible for.

Additional Updates

Create Filters on Relative Dates: You can now set relative dates when creating filters. This allows you to create and save filters such as “Opportunities closing in the next 30 days.”

Alert for Failed Text Message: If a text message does not go through, Spiro will now display a popup and a notification in your alert center to let you know the communication was not delivered.

New Picker Field Filter: When creating a custom picker field(ex. Company picker), you can now include a saved filter to enable only a particular set of records to choose from instead of the entire database.