Record Layouts


Choose which fields should be visible and editable across different views in Spiro. If a field is not marked as an "Editable Field", the user will only be able to read this field and not update it. However, Admins can edit read-only fields.

From Layouts, you can also re-label standard fields under the Label column. For example, you may want to change the label name "Amount" to "Annual Revenue". Click on the label you want to change, edit the label and then click out to save. 

You can control which fields are visible at different levels of visibility (New Record, Record Details, or List View):

New Record: fields displayed when creating a new company, contact or opportunity

Record Details: fields displayed when you are looking at the details of a company, contact or opportunity

List View: columns displayed when looking at a list of records

Editable fields: If this is checked off, the field is editable to all users, if it is unchecked, the field will be read-only to all users EXCEPT admins. Admins can update read-only Fields inside the app.

Be sure to save after making your updates!


Custom Fields