Spiro Release [February 2023]

View February's Release Notes

Watch the February Release Update

Learn about the new features and updates included in this release and get a sneak peek of features coming soon to Spiro.

What's New in Spiro

Our engineering team has been hard at work updating Spiro to make you and your team more productive and bring you new features that you requested. Here are the biggest updates:

Spiro Can Now Draft Emails For You 🤯

We are excited to introduce the “draft with AI” feature, which allows users to generate emails with just a few clicks. To take advantage of this feature, provide a simple prompt and click “draft with AI” to have Spiro start writing your email for you. This will save you time and energy, and help craft the perfect email for any situation. Of course, you’ll still be able to polish it up yourself before hitting send.

Lists Now Have Fixed Headers

When you view a list in Spiro, you will now see the header row of a list while you scroll. The header row remains at the top of the list so it is clear exactly what information you’re looking at.

Opportunity Pipeline View Shows More Details

In Spiro you will now see the opportunity amount field on individual pipeline view cards, in addition to the opportunity name and the related company. This will make it easier to identify the opportunities to prioritize as well as make tracking and managing them more efficient.

Updated Import Process

We’ve made it easier and faster to import and update information. With the new import process, admins can now upload a single file for importing new records and updating existing ones. Spiro's mass import process will verify whether an existing record exists, and then will either update that record or create a new one. 

A Few Other Things

  • Spiro now supports Okta single-sign-on. This makes it easier for users to quickly and securely access their Spiro accounts. With Okta single-sign-on, users no longer need to remember multiple usernames and passwords to access their accounts. Please let your CSM know if you would like us to enable this for your organization.
  • Filters have been updated to give users more options. Users now have the ability to filter related lists by the attributes of their parent records. For example, if you have a list of orders that is related to companies, you can now filter this list by company status, or, you can create a filter to see orders with “Tier A” customers.
  • Users can now search opportunities by their ID. This allows users to quickly and easily find opportunities they are looking for. Thanks to Kathy Cooper for suggesting this!
  • Spiro will now display an error message when a user accidentally texts a landline number to help ensure users are communicating through the correct channels.
  • We’ve made it easier for admins to find a specific user on the user administration page in settings by adding a search bar. Additionally, admins can now sort users by whether or not their email is connected. 
  • Accent marks will now be displayed in Spiro (i. e. crème brûlée, résumé, jalapeño).